Slavica Slovaca is the publishing body of Slovak Slavic studies. Journal is published by the Slovak Committee of Slavists in cooperation with the Ján Stanislav Institute of Slavic Studies SAS based on an agreement on publishing activities. It has been published since 1965. Since 2011, it has been published three times a year in print and electronic format.
The journal Slavica Slovaca publishes comparative scientific and professional studies, review materials, reports from scientific events and reviews in the field of linguistics, history, ethnology, cultural studies, and the history of Slavic studies.
The content of the articles published in the journal Slavica Slovaca is primarily characterized by program-determined interdisciplinary and comparative research on the relations of the Slovak language and culture with other Slavic and non-Slavic languages and cultures, including research on Slovak-Church Slavic, Slovak-Latin and Slovak-German relations. Such a content focus of the magazine results from the scientific-coordinating function of the Slovak Committee of Slavists and from the scientific research focus of the workplace, with which the Slovak Committee of Slavists has signed an agreement on cooperation in ensuring spatial, technical and other conditions related to the aforementioned coordination activity. Such researches help to better illuminate many aspects of Slovak language-historical and cultural development in Slovak-Slavic and Slovak-non-Slavic relations in European contexts.
As the journal Slavica Slovaca is the publishing body of Slovak Slavic studies, it also publishes reports from the meetings of the Slovak Committee of Slavists, information about events in the international committee of Slavists, preparations for international Slavic congresses, national Slavic congresses and other current events of Slavic research in Slovakia.
Slavica Slovaca is a platform for the exchange of knowledge in the domestic and international Slavic context.
ISSN: 0037-6787 (print), 1336-2364 (online)
Registration number: EV 4011/10
Issuer identification number (IČO)
Slovak Committee of Slavists: 30842913
Ján Stanislav Slavistic Institute SAV: 31750940
Periodicity: 3 times a year
Records in databases
Elsevier: Scopus, The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH), European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI).
Content focus and goals
Slavica Slovaca is the only interdisciplinary Slavic journal in Slovakia that publishes studies from comparative Slavic studies and fully fulfils the broad concept of interdisciplinary comparative Slavic research. The journal Slavica Slovaca mainly publishes comparative scientific studies, review materials, reports from scientific events and reviews in the fields of linguistics, history, archaeology, ethnology, cultural studies, the history of Slavic studies and musicology. In the 54 years of its existence, the journal has established itself as an important interdisciplinary organ of Slovak Slavic studies and is an accepted Slavic periodical in the environment of international Slavic studies, which is evidenced not only by the many foreign contributions published in the journal. The high level of the journal and its position in the international scientific community of Slavists is evidenced by the evidence of Slavica Slovaca in international databases, and the International Committee of Slavists in 2016 included the journal Slavica Slovaca among the relevant international interdisciplinary Slavic periodicals in a global context. Since 2011 (46th year), the magazine has also published the third issue of the magazine, which together with the fourth issue forms a supplement. Source editions related to the Slovak language and cultural history are published in the Supplement. These are editions of German, Latin, and Cyrillic sources that touch on the Slovak environment and describe realities linked to the linguistic and cultural history of Slovakia to other languages and cultures. A separate group of sources consists of notated sources, which in addition to the musical side, also make available the language-content component.
The content of the magazine is primarily characterized by program-determined interdisciplinary and comparative research on the relations of the Slovak language culture with other Slavic and non-Slavic languages and cultures, including research on Slovak-Church Slavic, Slovak-Latin and Slovak-German relations. Such a content focus of the magazine also results from the scientific-coordinating function of the Slovak Committee of Slavists and from the scientific research focus of the workplace, with which the Slovak Committee of Slavists has signed an agreement on cooperation in ensuring spatial, technical and other conditions related to the aforementioned coordination activity. The Slavica Slovaca magazine is a platform for the exchange of knowledge in the domestic and international Slavic context.
Contributions are published in the sections: studies, overviews, reports and reviews. The scope of the contribution is up to 25 standard pages. Normostrana has a range of 1800 characters including spaces. The inclusion of other sections is the responsibility of the editors.
Publication of texts in a specific section is the responsibility of the editors.
Individual articles are assigned permanent identifiers (DOIs).
Open access statement
The content of the journal is freely available on the public Internet, while any user is allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of the articles free of charge, without requesting prior permission from the publisher or author (except for commercial use of the texts). See also the Journal’s Code of Publication and Review Ethics.
Publication in the journal is free, there are no fees for acceptance, editorial processing and publication of the manuscript (the journal does not charge APC/article processing charge or submission fees).
Digital Archiving Policy
The magazine has been archived here since 1997.
Public licenses / Creative Commons

Editorial office
Chief Editor | prof. PhDr. Peter Žeňuch, DrSc. |
Executive editor | Mgr. Svetlana Šašerina, PhD. |
Technical editor | Bc. Martin Žeňuch |
Editorial board
Foreign members: |
Mgr. Václav Čermák, Ph.D. Slovanský ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. Praha |
Prof. Dr. Marcello Garzaniti Università degli Studi di Firenze |
Роман Голик, др. i. н. Інститут українознавства ім. І. Крип’якевича НАНУ |
доц. д-р Даниела Константинова Великотърновски университет «Св. Св. Кирил и Методий» Велико Търново |
Гл. ас. д-р Десислава Найденова Кирило-Методиевски научен център при БАН София |
dr hab. Jan Stradomski, prof. UJ Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie |
prof. habil. dr. Sergejus Temčinas Lietuvių kalbos institutas yra valstybės mokslo institutas |
Елена Семеновна Узенёва Институт славяноведения РАН, Москва |
Publication ethics
The principles of publishing in the journal Slavica Slovac are applied under the ethical code of publication practice, which is defined in the documents of the international forum Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):
(1) The author of the study/article (hereinafter referred to as the author) is obliged to submit to the editorial board of the journal only such a manuscript that is his original scientific work, whose content matches the focus of the journal and meets all the formal requirements prescribed by the editorial board. Upon request, the author must prove that the work is his original scientific work. If the author used sources from other authors in his work, he is obliged to cite them correctly and completely. Plagiarism in any shape and form is considered unethical behaviour by the editorial board and is unacceptable.
(2) The author is obliged to submit to the editorial board only a manuscript that has not yet been published elsewhere. The author undertakes not to submit his manuscript for publication in another magazine or any other publication until the publication procedure is completed. By submitting the manuscript, the author confirms that he is the sole owner of the copyright related to the article; in case it is a joint work of several authors, the main author is responsible for the proper and complete mention of all co-authors, including the consent of the other co-authors to submit the manuscript to the journal. All those who substantially contributed to the creation of the article must be listed as co-authors. Sending manuscripts to several editors, as well as disrespecting the copyrights of other authors, is considered by the editorial board to be unethical behaviour and unacceptable.
(3) The author of the article must use an argumentation built on objective foundations, which brings objective results of his scientific research. The Editorial Board considers misleading or knowingly incorrect statements to be unethical behaviour and unacceptable.
(4) The author of the article is obliged to notify the executive editor of any conflict of interests related to the submission of his manuscript. Failure to provide information about a conflict of interest is considered by the editorial board to be unethical behaviour and is unacceptable.
(5) By submitting the manuscript, the author expresses his consent to the publication process and, in particular, to its submission to a mutually anonymous review process, or further evaluation by the editorial board. If the author discovers a serious error or other inaccuracy in his article after submitting the manuscript, he is obliged to inform the executive editor about it. The author is obliged to cooperate in this matter with the executive editor and provide him with the necessary accelerated cooperation to ensure the removal of a serious error or other serious inaccuracy, or to withdraw the article from the process of its publication. These obligations apply to the author even when a correction is published in an already published article. Failure to provide information about a serious error or other serious inaccuracy or failure to cooperate is considered unethical behaviour by the editorial board and is unacceptable.
(6) By submitting the manuscript, the author grants the editorial board the free right to publish it in both printed and electronic form. The author also agrees to include the article in all databases in which the journal is or will be included. At the same time, the author agrees to indicate his name, surname, workplace and contact e-mail address in his article in a footnote.
Review proceedings
(1) Review is an integral part of formal scientific communication. The role of the reviewer is to assist the editorial board and the editor-in-chief in deciding whether to publish or reject the manuscript within the publication process. The goal of the review is also to help the author of the manuscript in its recommended finishing or editing. The reviewer is required to notify the editor-in-chief and executive editor of any conflict of interest.
(2) The reviewer is obliged to ensure that all information contained in the manuscript remains confidential. The editorial board considers the manuscript to be confidential material. Exception is granted by the editor-in-chief of the magazine. Important information or ideas obtained during the review process are also considered confidential and must not be used for the reviewer’s advantage.
(3) The editorial board of the journal expects that authors who have published in the journal, or who wish to publish in the journal, will prepare peer reviews for the manuscripts of other authors. If the proposed reviewer does not feel professionally knowledgeable or assumes that he will not have time to prepare a review opinion by the set deadline for any reason, he is obliged to inform the executive editor of this fact.
(4) The review procedure is mutually anonymous. The reviewer is obliged to prepare a review opinion objectively. He is obliged to follow the principle of equal treatment. The reviewer prepares the review personally according to his best knowledge and conscience.
(5) The reviewer is obliged to notify the editor-in-chief and executive editor without undue delay of any circumstances that may be grounds for rejection of the manuscript. The review itself must be done objectively and decently; personal criticism of the author is inadmissible. The reviewer must express his opinions professionally, clearly, intelligibly and must adequately support them with relevant arguments. The reviewer is obliged to mark data and information that the author cited incorrectly or did not quote at all. The reviewer must, in the form of a statement, alert the Editor-in-Chief of any similarities or overlaps of the reviewed manuscript with any previously published article or other publication of which the reviewer is aware. This statement must be properly documented by the reviewer.
(6) If the manuscript does not pass the publication procedure, the unpublished information contained in it may not be used in the reviewer’s research without the express written consent of the author. The reviewer may not use the information obtained during the preparation of the review opinion for his own or others’ benefit or to disadvantage or discredit the author.
(7) Compliance with the duties of the reviewer is checked by the executive editor and the editorial board. Non-compliance with the reviewer’s code is considered unethical behavior by the editorial board and is unacceptable.