Peter Zubko is an author of scientific monographies and literature, university textbook and scientific studies and articles in domestic and foreign periodicals and miscellanies. In 2007–2008, he was at the Teaching Mobility at Charles University in Prague and in 2007, at the Teaching Mobility at University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. He lectures at The Catholic University in Ruzomberok and he has been an external employee in Jan Stanislav Institute of Slavistics since 2011.
He focuses on the research of Slovak cultural-historical and religious area in the interactions of national and European values, mainly on the research of the relations between Latin and Byzantine cultural-religious tradition in Slovakia and Central Europe. He analyzes historical texts related to the overlap between Byzantine and Latin cultural-ritual tradition from the cultural-historical, religious and theological perspective. He collaborates on the scientific research projects related to an international scientific edition Monumenta byzantino-slavica et latina Slovaciae.